Wednesday, April 14, 2021

That Must Have Left a Dent.

No…what dent? That is what happens when you get paintless dent repair from Louisville auto body repair specialists, The Don Embry Body Shop. Two out of every three drivers are distrustful of auto repair facilities. They base it on factors like overcharging for their work, poor experiences, and unnecessary repairs…not 8272 Dixie Highway in Louisville!

Paintless dent repair is the most cost-effective and quickest way to repair a vehicle dent. Think of it as a minor scratch on your arm compared to a more severe cut or laceration. Traditional auto body repair would be a comparable treatment option to stitches or surgery. PDR would be the treatment option for the more minor injury.

Paintless dent repair is used all the time (when it applies) at Louisville auto body shop, The Don Embry Auto Body. That may have been foreign to our founder almost six decades ago, but not today! Trust The Don Embry Body shop for all of your vehicle repairs in the Louisville area. Just call (502) 935-1373 and see their work before hand at

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